Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Wanted To Share These ...

--by suse15, posted Jun 22, 2016

Wanted to share these peace dragons that my friend Linda creates as part of her efforts to train others in peaceful conflict resolution. She shares simple ways with the Wee Ones and has them create Little Dragons and put little tiny hearts on them. Her latest books include one on words and their power and one on opposites and the importance of accepting each other.

The reason I'm spotlighting her is because I want Mindy to see the peace dragons and because I so admire Linda's work in peace since she survived a terrorist attack (she was actually shot). That moment led to her using children story books as a way to teach peace. A great kindness on her side.

999 Reads
  • Posted by suse15
  • Jun 22, 2016
  • 25 Smiles, 11 Comments

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