Stories of Kindness from Around the World

"you Take Debit, Don't ...

--by mindyjourney, posted Aug 26, 2016

"You take debit, don't you?" the customer ahead of me in line at the thrift store asked, as her purchases were totaled.

Since it's a new location for "Hope's Attic" (don't you just love that name?), they hadn't gotten all the nuances of different payment methods sorted out yet.

The two women were together, and honestly, looked like they led challenging hard-working lives. Only had a few dollars cash between them.

"Do you mind if I pay the balance?" I inquired.

"Oh, no, that's okay...". "Please, I'd like to, if it's alright, with you..."

And then, we looked into each other's eyes, smiled and she agreed :))).

Had a small discussion about how giving is really like receiving; how sometimes we are the giver and sometimes the receiver.

Even the cashier got into the conversation, "That's about the nicest thing I've ever seen in here! And we see a lot of great stuff."

Gave everyone a Smile card and an origami Peace dove. We shared hugs and wished each other blessings.

I LOVE when I can be a conduit for Peace and a loving, kinder connect :).

Truly, it is a gift to me <3. Blessed and grateful.

999 Reads
  • Posted by mindyjourney
  • Aug 26, 2016
  • 79 Smiles, 13 Comments

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