Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Better Day Today

--by leoladyc728, posted Sep 8, 2017

Back to work today and although the girl was exhausted, she learned some new parts of doing fractions. She is still on her summer schedule and it is hard for the kids to adjust the first week back at school.

When I was getting coffee before work, a little boy came into the store and didn't have enough money for his purchase, so I just gave it to the owner. The boy was so sweet and really thanked me.

The children's librarian is collecting books for me to give away for the hurricane victims of Houston. They were giving away some free books which I took and talked to him about it. They are all so great helping me with my causes, no matter what country I am donating to.

999 Reads
  • Posted by leoladyc728
  • Sep 8, 2017
  • 49 Smiles, 8 Comments

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