Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Day 12 Reverence Challenge: Consider What We Are Made Of

--by scushman, posted May 5, 2016

I am fascinated by the fact that 18 parts of the brain, that we know of, emit light. And then you look at religious icons and they are often depicted emitting light around their heads (halos) from Jesus to Buddha to angels.  They are also called enlightened! Also, 93% of the mass in our body is stardust! Wow! Weird, but cool. Pregnant women "glow" and really happy people seem to be "beaming" with joy, etc. :)
 "...For you are dust,
And to dust you shall return.” Genesis 3:19 
_/|\_ Namaste

999 Reads
  • Posted by scushman
  • May 5, 2016
  • 13 Smiles, 2 Comments

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