Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by pluto178, posted Oct 31, 2014

To attach expectations to the outcome of a situation is to try to control it. Not everything needs to be controlled some things just flow right. Everything is in a constant state of change so if your child decides to be an astronaut don't bother to bring him back down to earth with a rational discussion, let him fly high in a world of expectation and excitement. Someone is going to work at the space centre why not him. We live in a world of impermanence and change is constant let go of your ideals for others and concentrate on your own. When we have attachments we tie a little string to that other person or thing that we are trying to control, hence the phrase cutting the apron strings. Provide your children with everything they may need for play........and watch them, see what games they choose then guide them. If they like colouring in at three they will love an easel and paints at six. If they don't pick them up again or play that beautiful piano you bought them don't worry about it, the tools are there and they can pick them up when they are ready. Only observe and provide the tools. Sometimes the paints, musical instruments, cameras etc., will lie about unused and one day Bham, they get picked up and creativity is born. Be patient, do not have attachment to the outcome, if he is a budding maestro he will come into his own at some point. Your ballerina daughter will enjoy the ballet shoes and tutu when it's of its time, she doesn't have to be a dancer but she will have poise and balance. We find ourselves best through play and freedom.
Boketto is the Japanese meaning of.... gazing vacantly and losing yourself in the distance with no thought or attachment to the outcome. I am content.....even when alone I need no comfort.....if it is to be, let it be through natural flow.

999 Reads
  • Posted by pluto178
  • Oct 31, 2014
  • 10 Smiles, 2 Comments

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