Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Request

--by xenahugs, posted Feb 27, 2015

So, last night, I had almost had enough. Again. Yeah, I know, lol...
In trying to develop new friendships, I had reached out to an old friend, we were to meet for coffee and she cancelled 20 minutes before.
And, in the past, I would've been like, oh, that's ok, she's not feeling good, it's ok. But, last night, I was like no. This doesn't work for me.
I am becoming such a different person, I think, lol... From my core, I felt/believed my time is valuable. Period.
Then, I thought what if the situation was reversed. I would've either sent the person a message earlier in the day, saying I hope to make it but I'm not feeling so great, let me see how it goes... Or, not having seen the person in a few years, I would've gotten myself there.
And, I said to myself that's it. That's my standard in this situation. I deserve to be treated the way I would treat someone. That's it. (Now, certainly, if she reached out to me again and said, look I get that wasn't the greatest way to deal with that, here's what was going on, of course, your dearest Xena could find it in her heart.... but not this way)
And, it was awesome b/c it was Truth for me that MY time is valuable. That didn't even budge. In the past, I would've made all kinds of excuses for the other person. But, not this time.
And, for a little bit, I got angry. And, I thought of an article I read on how with the Internet, there is a culture in today's society where people treat each other terribly, relying simply on email and text, not dealing with people as full human beings with emotions and sensitivities in person or even on the phone. Such as in the past when communities were more physically connected and people had to think, well, Person X is a friend of my aunt's and they would think more about the consequences and impacts of their behavior on that person and handle it in a more sensitive way, perhaps...
Idk, but the memory of that article last night had me launching into the old I'm-holing-up-in-the-abode-with-the-kids-and-never-going-out-again. I mean, for real, I could've been painting rather than putting up with this! Lol... ;)
Then, I'm like, alright, Xena, take it easy. Breathe. Breathe. Just for a moment. Let's take a breath.
You DO have a tendency to go all black-and-white, good-and-bad on things. So, let's just say the Internet is NOT allllllllll bad. And, of course, I thought of here first, and then another site, where I have some really nice connections and some very meaningful friendships that I cherish.
And, I was thinking, that's true. But what about HERE? What about real Life? Or offline Life, or whatever this is called, lol...
I want meaningful friendships that uplift me, whom I contribute to in meaningful ways to support others as well, HERE, in my real life too.
And, at first I go into that's not possible. Then, I put myself to bed. I'm like I'm not arguing with you anymore. You're tired. Get sleep.
I woke up, did my routine, felt better, but was still a little overcome with the everybody's-out-to-hurt me junk. And, I'm like, God, please, this is NOT where I want to be. I want to change this. I want to feel the Love, be the Love, You know, God, get that Flow coming and going, spreading all over... Whew, baby!! Kumbuya, People!! Feel it?! Feel it! :)
At that point, I hadn't. So, I put out a request. I said please God, today give me an example of the goodness, of the kindness of humanity that I KNOW is out there.
I sit down to do a special meditation and two minutes in, my door knocks. Now, my door never has a knock. And, I was like, Ok.....?
It was the maintenance guy. I had put in a request b/c there were a few things that needed to be addressed in the abode and he showed up and he's such a nice elderly fellow. (Mel! It gave me a chance to thank the public servant for their work too - my latest card on the deck!!)
But, he was so nice to me and so kind to me. One of the things I needed was my faucet was spraying out some water and instead of just tightening it, he said he was just going to replace the whole thing! Then, they gave me new burners for my stove too. And, I thanked them b/c every time it snows or ices, they are always out at my building first clearing it and salting it.I told him how much of a difference it makes for me b/c I have to get those kids out waaaaaaaayyyy early in the morning and they always make certain it's clear for us. And, I'm thinking wow. Wow. Seriously, what an act of kindness that is.
So, of course, you know who is going to be making some cookies for a maintenance department this weekend.
But,I certainly stopped for a moment and put in a BIG Thank You to God for restoring my faith in humanity and kindness and seeing that, sometimes, we can get what we ask for, if we simply put in the request. ;)

999 Reads
  • Posted by xenahugs
  • Feb 27, 2015
  • 17 Smiles, 5 Comments

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