Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Yin And Yang Of My Inner Compass...

--by hellohappy, posted Feb 27, 2015

My inner compass was primarily shaped by my mother. It has also been strongly influenced by my dad, my grandmother, my children. I can think of influential teachers and friends and writers/philosophers, too. But oddly, upon reflection I realize that much of my compass has also been shaped by the bad/toxic/mean-spirited people that have -at times- been part of my life. I think I learned as much about the importance of being good, solid, compassionate, kind, understanding, empathetic, positive, etc. from witnessing their folly/naiveté/ignorance as I have from my positive role models. And there you have the yin and yang of it, contrary forces that are actually complementary. Good and not so good people keeping me on (hopefully) a good path...

999 Reads
  • Posted by hellohappy
  • Feb 27, 2015
  • 6 Smiles, 3 Comments

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