Stories by NiceNora (3 matches)

Thank You Drivers

My vehicle is incapacitated, so I usually walk and ride the bus to get around. I usually make a point of saying thank you and wishing the bus driver a good day. Today, she did me a kindness. She stopped a block early and let me and another lady off, so that we could connect with another bus more easily.

People here drive rather rashly and it is tough for pedestrians cross the street easily, without nearly getting run over. Today, a woman stopped when she could of easily turned the corner before I crossed. I made a point of waving to her and saying thanks to her for waiting and letting me cross the street without the fear of getting hit.

3428 Reads

Contagious Gardening

A couple days ago, while I was mowing my lawn, I noticed some garbage and debris on my neighbor's lawn. I went over and neatly stacked it to the side so that his yard would look a little bit better. I also pulled weeds along the sidewalk in front of my house and my neighbor's. I used my hose to wash it all down to one spot and then swept it up. 

As I was doing this, someone came to visit the neighbors two doors down from me. No one answered the door so he started walking back down the driveway to his truck. When he looked over and saw what I was doing, without saying a word, he took a weed eater out from his truck and started cutting down the grass growing onto the edge of the sidewalk. When he had to go, he walked over and ask if things looked okay. I thanked him for his help and wished him a very good day.

1532 Reads

A Day For Helping Others

On Thursday, September the 12th, I stayed an extra 30 minutes at work, to help out. After work, I took my grandchildren to the park and farmer's market to play. I bought them pizza and ice cream, and carried them when they fell and got hurt.

620 Reads

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