Stories by gritsincminor (2 matches)

Grace Intrudes : )

Friends: If it were not for gratitude coming upon me, I would still be taking most of life for granted. In 1986, I sustained a traumatic brain injury due to a severe beating.

When I woke up, I couldn't move my right side or speak or breathe on my own. One of my therapists was a man named Glen. Most days, he'd come into my room to exercise my muscles. As I couldn't speak, I found myself listening to Glen's voice, his words. "I sense shadows from you Melissa. Don't you know that they are caused by light being around? Grace may sometimes seem unfair, or feel or look icky, but friend, it is still grace."

Although at that moment I wasn't sure if I'd ever move, speak or breathe normally, that didn't seem to matter. For the 1st time I could remember, my thoughts of myself were neither negative nor critical.

Master Glen started in me a journey which continues today. He is one of many who taught & teach me that as long as I am willing to live a grateful life, I am less likely to take the all of life for granted.

1265 Reads

George's Gift

The sun came out today after a rainy weekend and the throwing up cycle I was in stopped! Was able to have enough energy to go to the store.

The bus I always take goes right by our Veterans' Hospital. I've ridden with many of the vets for some time. As I was sitting, giddy cuz I stopped vomiting, George (a vet) tapped me from behind.

George served in Vietnam & now, was usually penniless. He normally was fairly quiet, muttering to himself. This morning, he smiled at me and said " guess what I gots?"

Uh oh I thought. George proudly showed me his treasure of a box of Debbie's chocolate cup cakes. George doesn't know I'm unable to eat, yet he yanked a cupcake out & gave it to me. "This is for you cuz you always tell me hi" he said.

I know George doesn't "have" much, yet the gift he gave me filled me up. Food may not fill me up these days, but with guys like George, I'm always full! Full of love, full of life. Thanks to all who give AND receive.

1202 Reads

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