Stories by compassion777 (3 matches)

Three White Kittens

We had three wild newborn kittens outside our house. They grew up somewhere else but the mother cat brought them in at some point. The day came when the three kittens disappeared. We didn't  know what happened. We thought someone had liked them and taken them. However, a few days turned into a week. They were still gone. Then, we found the three kittens by pure chance, they were walking by the streets in a far area of the village very late at night. How they got here was beyond us; the village was very busy with a lot of cars in the morning. How did they get there while still being safe and still being together? We had no idea. Our guess was they had a habit of following one another. When one cat ran, the other two cats would follow. They were walking here and there, unsure of the direction but ... Read Full Story >>

1646 Reads

Desparate Times, Extraordinary Effort

The drizzle had just stopped in the late night today when I walked on the streets. Coming in the opposite direction was a woman, perhaps in her 40's or early 50's carrying a small bucket and curiously looking left and right as if looking for something in the streets. She had an air of desperation around her and after observing her I noticed that she would fish out something from the ground every once in a while. Curious, I decided to turn around and follow her because we were walking in opposite directions. Perhaps she sensed me following her because she immediately sped up and as a result, I decided to slow down and enter a nearby store. I decided she probably needed help even though she wasn't asking in particular. So I bought her some food from the store and put some cash in the grocery bag. Then I ran after her ... Read Full Story >>

1493 Reads

Doing Charity With Family Is A Good Way To Spend Quality Time Together

Everyday my wife and I go out and walk to look for homeless people around the block. We would always make it a point to bring a pack of bread and some meals and while we don't prepare them ourselves we just buy them from 7-11 or some other place. We've been doing this every day for the last year. Sometimes there's only a few homeless we can find.

Occasionally we go farther down where there's more homeless people and there's like 50 of them, 80 of them. For this many we can't do it everyday, but we try to do it twice a month or when we have more to share sometimes we do this once a week. After a while of doing this, whenever we approach those homeless people they would smile. Smile! Their smiles mean a lot to us. We do what we can everyday and though we are not really rich we pull from our surplus from work.

986 Reads

'compassion777' Also Commented on These Stories

Accepting Kindness is Important, too.

Knitting Warmth for People Living Outside

Reaching Out to Others While Dealing With Pain

Following My Heart and Giving to Someone in Need

Kindness Between Neighbours

The Man with his Dog at the Street Corner

The Teens Cooled Down The Sign Twirler On Our Main Corner.

For The Two Little Children Who's Mother Was in the Hospital

Going Back To Do The Right Thing

Seeing The Man, Not The Criminal

Incredible Edibles

My half full Water Bottle

Ten Years In The Making

She Gave Her Cleaning Lady An Incredible Gift That Will Help For Years To Come