Stories by 4everblooming (3 matches)

Able And Willing

This afternoon I went to the local senior center to help decorate for their 25 year in business celebration and new expansion open house. It was hard work but enjoyable to work with others. I reconnected with a couple of friends after nearly a year.

I am still very able to perform a lot of jobs that others cannot. So I realize I am needed and should volunteer for as long as I am able.

1977 Reads

A Check Out Lane Redirect

Today at the store, I put my purchases on the counter to check out. As the clerk began ringing it all up, I noticed the guy behind me had one single item.

His legs were shifting back and forth, his fingers tapping, and mouth pressed. He looked annoyed.

At the end of my check out, I turned to him and offered, "I'm sorry, I did not notice you had only one item. You could have gone first."

His face softened.

His lips curved into a smile, and he replied, "Oh, that's okay."

I had goofed up by not seeing him, which rippled into some anger and impatience on his end. But an apology soothed both of our feelings, and paved the way for a more positive day.

1187 Reads

Her First Time Alone

I made a special card for a lady who is having to move into an apartment by herself. 

Aged 81 this is the first time she has every had to move home. Up until now she has always lived with her mother (who recently died at nearly 100 years of age.) 

The card will give her something to open from her new mailbox. And, hopefully, a note that love will make her apartment feel more like a home.

1043 Reads

'4everblooming' Also Commented on These Stories

She Was Given A Second Opportunity At Kindness, Nothing Stopped Her This Time Around

Guerrila Repairs for the Homeless Folks

The Smiley Rocks Get Famous

Three Words of Wisdom: "Don't We All?"

87 Year Old Woman Named Rose

Kindness Is The Medicine

Parking Lot Samaritan

Near The Horizon

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted

A Flat Tire and an Unexpected Helper