Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Holding To My True Values

--by rese_davison, posted Feb 9, 2016
I had to move and when I was going through my stuff in the garage (Fourteen years of stuff) a friend got down the families sleeping bags. There were four of them all told and I had NEVER used them the entire time I had lived in my house.

I threw them in the trunk of my car and drove down to what I call the homeless park (it is where the homeless hang out) When I pulled out the sleeping bags the people came running! I also had warm stuff (scarves, sweaters, camping stuff) to share with the men and women of the park. 

It made me feel good and I am hoping it keeps them warmer during the cold weather we have been having. I also took the turkey bones from the leftover turkey from thanksgiving and make a soup out of it. I went to the Dollar store and bought hot cups and spoons and took that down there. They are still taking about it!

For Christmas my brother gave me salami and cheeses, I don't eat that kind of thing so I went down to the park again to share. They remembered me from the sleeping bags and soup! I sat and talked to them for a little while then came home feeling good inside.
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Readers Comments

Dee wrote: Wonderful idea. God bless you
Fiddledeedeebooks. Wordpress. Com
loveandserve wrote: That's awesome! Good work :))
lindariebel wrote: They will feel warmer in more ways than one.
bemoreawesome wrote: What a great idea. Thanks for the inspiration
melgall1983 wrote: Wow how thoughtful and kind off you, it's so lovely to hear others like yourself helping others in times of need, what a lovely story :d
leah6000lk wrote: Dayum youre like a pretty good person
AndiCas wrote: Great use of those sleeping bags, and loved hearing about all your other kindnesses there too.
pluto178 wrote: Gee I thought I was generous when I moved house but you have put me to shame well done. x
kjoyw wrote: This is wonderful and touching. You told this story so is a story of true giving, true kindness!
splain wrote: Wow you did well. True giving and true receiving. We all have so much and they have so little. I feel guilty if I have anything I don't need or use. I have to give them away.

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