Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gardener to gardener

--by splain, posted Apr 20, 2016
As I was walking my dog Bentley yesterday, I passed this little lonely house, (as i often do on my walk) where the owner makes such an effort to make her garden nice. She has put out little pots of false flowers, glitter pots, and painted rocks.

So, as a fellow gardener of pretty things, I met her and asked if she would mind me dropping off some pots and garden stuff. I said that I didn't need them. She was so happy for this offer and now I will be able to contribute to making her area lovely.

You can actually see her soul in her effort to make her surroundings more beautiful. I am so fortunate that I can just buy soil,plants, and pots to make my garden special. I am so grateful for all I have. So today I will start leaving surprises in her front garden. Now that is making me smile and so happy!
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Readers Comments

monica321 wrote: So cute. You said you are happy and smiling. You know why? Because you helped making her surroundings more beautiful.
mindyjourney wrote: And you doing this is making me smile and be happy too :))). thank you for sharing so generously of your kind heart and extra gardening supplies <3.
Mish wrote: Your loving heart makes me smile. Bless x
Novice50 wrote: beautiful heart and beautiful image, thanks for sharing.
leoladyc728 wrote: you are wonderful. I know she will enjoy whatever you give to her to make her area a beautiful space.
terre wrote: Thank you for finding these "extra" garden supplies, soil, plants... The woman will do so well with them!
marleen wrote: Awesome experience for both!!
kjoyw wrote: Smiling as I read this! Such wonderful, neighborly kindness!

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