Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smile Card and American History

--by bearfootcowgirl2, posted Apr 18, 2016
Today, while struggling to write a paper for my first hour American History class, I opened up a book that I thought might be helpful to find some information on the topic I chose for my paper.

As soon as I flipped it open, a smile card fell out, along with a few dollars and a note, that said "There is no way you are reading this book for fun. You must be working on something for school so go buy yourself a red bull in the vending machine located in the lobby and get what you need to do done, and keep your head up!"

I did as the note said and spent the remainder of my time in the library smiling to myself and working hard. I plan on replacing the goodies and leaving a few smile cards around town, that way maybe, just maybe, I’ll be able to thank the anonymous giver that made my entire American History class more enjoyable. 
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Great SMILE card story and share! Can't wait to hear where you leave the cards and goodies :))
kjoyw wrote: What a great thing to happen! Someone is watching out for you. A Smile card and a bit of fun money to get you a quick "pick-me-up"! Let us know what you do wth the smile cards and goodies!
Annabella wrote: Woo hoo! How wonderful for you. Such beautiful kindness that you recieved. So great that you're going to pay it forward. Way to go! :)
leoladyc728 wrote: what a great surprise you had.
Virg79 wrote: Love it! Thank you for sharing and for the big smile :))
brindlegirl wrote: Wow. Just wow!!! And I wonder who the mysterious anonymous kind springer did this???
marleen wrote: Lovely!! and paying it forward too. Respect 💖
melnotes wrote: How awesome is this! Love it :)
lya348 wrote: Wow, that's a huge smile card story and definitely one to pay forward. And it helped you get your history done. Great!
fairykats wrote: How utterly timely and exciting. Lovely!

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