Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A humbling Act of Kindness at a Coffee Shop

--by Ohadinte, posted May 23, 2016
A small act from yesterday: I arrived at the coffee bar and it was busy. There was a free table for me but it was full with prior glasses and dishes. First I waited for the waiters to come and clean it, but they didn't. I became impatient.

Then, I saw how busy they were. I took all the dishes from my table and from another one and brought it with a smile back to the kitchen. For a moment, I made myself one of the team. They were so happy. Serving those who are "supposed" to serve us revealed itself as a very softening act; we all were happy.
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Readers Comments

katking wrote: sharing in the work and the companions!
splain wrote: That was really thoughtful . Actually I don't see why people couldn't just take their used dishes and put them on a trolley. They could have a jar of lollies for you to take one for being so helpful. Not a bad idea
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for helping out! :))) Well done, my friend.
RoseMarie wrote: Very good ... love Splain's idea too x 💓 Rose-Marie
kiwicat wrote: Thats lovely. I like Susanna's idea too, anything for a lolly!
scushman wrote: ver nice, indeed! Namaste _/|\_ ૐ☮
scushman wrote: Fabulous! Namaste _/|\_ ૐ☮
Mish wrote: Way cool!!
Novice50 wrote: A great example of a simple kindness that matters!
Ohadinte wrote: Thank you dear people, I really feel at home here in this community !

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