Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Gratitude Practice Steeped in Faith

--by debmeron, posted May 27, 2016

I am working on a daily learning in the Jewish tradition with a different Torah concept each day that includes a practice. Today's practice is Not Claiming Credit for One's Self.  Because everything we do is based on a gift we received from someone or from GOD. And  thus I feel like who are we to take all the credit. Therefore the practice is to think of something you have accomplished and who helped to make this possible AND thank that person for his or her gift to you.

This is the reason for my post today. I want to thank you all ( at Kindspring ) for the gift of inspiring me and teaching me about kindness in so many ways I never thought of before. My growing kindness is because of your kindness and I am grateful.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Thank you for your presence and sharing here, Debbe. KindSpring does grow our kindness consciiusness and deeply transforms how we see our world and interact with others.
alisamom wrote: I love having you here & reading your posts. KS truly is a transformative place! <3
gloriousday wrote: What a marvelous and profound concept; thanks for sharing! I tend to take no credit for the "good" in me but blame myself for all the "bad", which is so unhelpful. I love this perspective!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for sharing your learning with us <3. So true, our gifts and the encouragment we receive. Blessings.
verityngnosis wrote: Thank you for your share. It made me.stop and think and mentally thank people who have contributed so much to my life.
scushman wrote: How lovely! I love the concept of a daily learning from the Torah. That could make a wonderful KS challenge. Namaste _/|\_ ૐ☮
splain wrote: Thanks Debbe. I also want you to know that your posts have helped me to change and love life.
kjoyw wrote: This is a marvelous post!

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