Stories of Kindness from Around the World

He was walking in poor weather

--by edejong, posted Aug 2, 2016
Last Thursday evening we had thunder, lightning, and very high temperatures.

I was driving in my car on my way home when I saw a person walking with a small backpack and a large trolley suitcase on the 'bike road' next to the road I was driving (like we use to have in Holland). There were no houses for the next 5 miles! I stopped as soon as possible and asked if he (the young man) wanted a lift.

He was amazed and told me that the wheel of his bike had fallen off. He had to go to the University of Twente and wasn't aware the road was that long (He was German, not Dutch). When we arrived and he got out the car and I handed his suitcase over to him, I think he was still confused about his "angel". He was so shy, so sweet. :-)
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Readers Comments

mish wrote: You were indeed his angel :)) 👼
scushman wrote: nicely done :)
splain wrote: He must have been so relieved when you stopped and gave him a lift. I would have been
RoseMarie wrote: You were his angel. 😇 x 💓 Rose-Marie
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for an angel of mercy to the young man :))
leoladyc728 wrote: so sweet of you to help this man
Melnotes wrote: Beautiful angel :)
mdeese_99 wrote: Wonderful act of kindess
laughingsoul wrote: So wonderful to see how somebody in need found you. He will cheer this memory and have a good reason to share his own kindness and trust the people.

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