Stories of Kindness from Around the World

They Were Married for 61 Years and Grew a Garden

--by leobob, posted Aug 20, 2016
It’s been a busy month! I am super busy with work. Trying to find that work/life balance that is essential to both.

I received happy news from my neighbors, Jon and Michelle. Michelle delivered little Skyler just the day before. She came in with the assistance of a midwife. A one hundred percent natural delivery and all is perfect. Jon was able to overnight with Mother and child for two nights and he texted to see if I would water the tomatoes which I happily did.

I saw pictures on Facebook this morning of the beautiful Skyler, a serene Michelle and a beaming Dad. Jon does love his girls!

I scrambled to finish my graphics work for delivery this morning. It seems every minute counts when you are up against deadlines. I met with the client where I was rewarded with another project. On the ride home, I thought it would be nice to make a pit stop and pick up some flowers for Jon, Michelle, and Skyler, to come home to. Time is short but it was worth a quick stop.

I have been trying to buy from locally owned businesses for a multitude of reasons and I remembered a couple in their eighties that have been growing and selling cut flowers together for over fifty years. I hit the side road by the handmade “Flowers, Pick Your Own” sign. You walk through their garden and cut the flowers you like. They will walk with you if you want them to. They even supply a nice glass vase. As I pulled into the driveway I lost my breath from seeing the beautiful plot of assorted perennials.

Just like last time, Jim popped out the front door of the house upon my arrival like he was waiting for me. Jim had his farmer’s overalls on and he greeted me with a pleasant smile. I noticed a vase of cut flowers on his front stoop. I said, “I am in a bit of a hurry, are those cut flowers for sale.” Jim said, “These are for my daughter’s friend at work but you go ahead and take them. I’ll pick another bunch. Oh, ten dollars and keep the vase.” He was so pleasant and the flowers were so magnificent and fresh. I thanked him and then paused. “I almost forgot to ask, how are you, Jim?” A look of sadness and reverence came over Jim’s face, “You know my wife died?”

Suddenly, I was in no hurry anymore. I was standing amidst a field of beauty that he and his wife cultivated for a half century. I wasn’t going to run off so quick to meet an advertising deadline. I asked, “What year were you two married?” Jim seemed stumped but said, “I don’t remember but we were married sixty-one years.” They had kids and grandkids and great grandkids. “I guess I will stay with my friend in Florida this winter”, Jim said. I grabbed Jim and gave him a big hug and to my surprise, he hugged back. He said, “Get on your way, I have to pick another bunch before my daughter leaves for work.”

I left Jim’s serenely. I drove past the garden that he and his wife cultivated over a half century. I drove slowly home so I wouldn’t spill the lovely arrangement that he made. I left vase on the front porch at Jon’s and Michelle’s with a note for Skyler welcoming her home for the very first time.

Today deadlines didn’t matter. My heart was full of thoughts of the woman who grew flowers and of the little baby who will do the same someday. Such is the circle of life.
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Readers Comments

Sidonie Grace wrote: Simply beautiful. Utterly beautiful! Thank you.
Mish wrote: Deeply, deeply touching. So much kindness and beauty in your day. Much light for the new baby and your friends, as well as peace and comfort for dear Jim.
leobob wrote: Thanks Mish!
mindyjourney wrote: Indeed, the circle of beautifully bittersweet <3. thank you for taking the time to appreciate Jim's wife's cultivation...seems she is still blooming--in kindness <3.
leobob wrote: Yes, Mindjourney! She is is in every fragrance, every color, every bud and every bloom. So is he, you, me and everything. I am so glad that my mindfulness practice made me pause for a moment to realize her presence and importance.
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful you took the time to appreciate what is really important in life, your connections.
melnotes wrote: How beautiful, a new baby to welcome into the world and so glad you got to appreciate the day!
lt33 wrote: Balance my friend definitely is a must hope u can find that for yourself it is a challenge some days but when u get the time just take it maybe put aside something u had to do on your to do list and go do the for yourself list I read in a book write down on your ever to do list one thing beside it that you want to do too something to look forward to 😊😉

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