Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Breaking Down Walls While Sharing Same Passions

--by DanielAlvarad, posted Aug 31, 2016
You may find the the following story not so spectacular, or even kind of cliché​, but for a person (that would be me) who barely has done anything to help the needy in a direct way, I think it's a story worth told.

While I was at second year of middle school, my class as a team had to develop a community project in which we needed to visit a vulnerable group of our society, such as homeless, orphans or immigrants and spend time with them sharing quality moments. The group we had to look after were the orphans from our community.
At the begging, we weren't sure enough about what we could do, nor if it will be a good idea, taking into consideration that they were all male orphans from a not so little age (most of them were twelve or older). We simply thought that they might see us in an unpleasant way and wouldn't like to hang out with us because maybe they would thought we felt more than them, or whatever reason.

Nevertheless, we start off the project with an honest spirit and with the highest hopes that it would all pass by peacefully. We planned to make them a tasteful and varied breakfast, consisting of different type of sandwiches, fruit, cupcakes, juices, chips and other tasty snacks, while we spend some time with them getting knowing each other: our likes, passions, hobbies and things in common. After breakfast we agreed to play some games with them depending on their ages and preferences. The boys from my class will play soccer with the big ones, and the girls will play some kind of camping dynamics with the younger ones.

When we first got there, we felt all quite nervous and insecure, not knowing how to settle a close rapport with the kids. However, as we got along sharing breakfast, and specially after playing soccer, the tension started dissipating and we could actually say that we had become good mates with them at the end of the day.

Sharing those moments with them, really made me realize that it doesn't matter who you are, where you came from, or even what your social and family situation is, at the end we are all humans (kids more specifically) that share the same likes, the same roots, and the same identity.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: So true, my friend...we all have comment thread that connects us all. thank you for reaching out to children with such a nourishing and fun way :)
RoseMarie wrote: This is lovely, thank you for sharing. X 💓
splain wrote: It is that beautiful, simple connection that makes us friends. You did well and what a learning.
mish wrote: Beautiful sharing there! Bless.
leoladyc728 wrote: there is always something that people can connect to. We just have to look for it.
Novice50 wrote: same hearts, same smiles, same joy!
patjos wrote: Peace to you, my friend.
DanielAlvarad wrote: thank you all for reading it and for your sincere comments!

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