Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Daily Kindness and Gratitude

--by dittesoerensen, posted Jan 16, 2017
A friend helped me out yesterday with transport as my normal commute was disrupted by bad weather. As a way of showing gratitude I took her out for dinner, helped around her house and got up early to make her tea in the morning (had to stay at hers for the night due to the weather).
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Readers Comments

Mnc_91 wrote: Very thoughtful of you :-)
mindyjourney wrote: So glad you were safe and able to repay kindness to friend for her hospitality :)).
RoseMarie wrote: Win win x 💓
SaraDolphin wrote: thanks for sharing that. It feels so good to read what you are all doing. I am so grateful for that. Although I got the idea I found it difficult to share the good I am doing. It is this christian concept, let no one know otherwise it does not matter. It felt like bragging. But in realitiy it feels so nourishing, it connects me with you. What you do and what I do, both.
splain wrote: Nice solid friendship. works both ways.
AndiCas wrote: That is a great return for her. I bet you both enjoyed too.
alisamom wrote: What a great friendship, each giving what they can :)))))
kjoyw wrote: A kindness repaid with another kindness! Well done!
leoladyc728 wrote: wonderful give and take

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