Stories of Kindness from Around the World


--by mindyjourney, posted Feb 14, 2017
As I was purchasing KIND bars at the supermarket checkout, I asked the cashier if she had tried them and what kind she liked best.

I asked the bagger the same question and he had never tried them, but liked a similar vanilla bar by a different maker that had a great savings coupon last week. 

Lucky me! I had bought the KIND bars that the cashier liked and a vanilla something one too. :) 

So, I gave them each a SMILE card, a Peace dove and a KIND bar.

Cashier exclaimed, "Oh, I remember these doves! I love them! You gave one to Brenda [another cashier] who retired last year."

Those doves, and their kind message of Peace are getting a reputation! :) Grateful.

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Readers Comments

RoseMarie wrote: Love this, read post before can't believe i did not comment, must have been really tired. Great story x 💓
Lilijourney wrote: Yay you 💗✨💞🤗
Annc wrote: You are kindness personified!
leoladyc728 wrote: what could be better, a Kind bar and a peace dove. YAY
splain wrote: Mindy your doves spread far. Nice one with giving the kind bars. I don['t think we have these in Australia, look good though
AndiCas wrote: That she'd remembered the dove from so long ago! What an impact it must have made :)
kjoyw wrote: Like the ones with dark chocolate! So kind to gift them!
Mish wrote: Brenda was my dear sister's name 💖 I fondly recall the Kind Bars you sent me last year :)))

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