Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Who do you think I am?

--by mindyjourney, posted Feb 22, 2017
"Do, I look destitute or something?" customer behind me in line replied when I offered to buy his purchase.

I smiled and said that my offer was an act of random kindness.

After a few moments, he softened a bit and replied that it was very nice of me to offer.

He was receptive, as was the cashier, to receiving a Peace dove, which he carefully put in his wallet (to give his wife later) and called out to me as I was leaving, "Have a blessed day!"

So funny, when kindness lights our way, my friends.

I'm still smiling thinking of his curmudgeonly reply to my offer of kindness.

It really hid a heart of gold <3.
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Readers Comments

autumnsky38 wrote: Lol what a crusty ol guy and hiding a heart of gold. Sounds like my dad.
Rajni wrote: Your offer to buy purchase was kindness # 1. To smile and reply so as not to hurt that person was kindness # 2 & 3. Thanks for this inspiring posting sister mindy.
gyrocloudy wrote: Kindness sometimes is different, yet is powerful enough to find its path, Mindy. :)
splain wrote: Your so brave I would have melted but now I know what to say.
Lilijourney wrote: You won over his CRUST to unearth the GOOEY. Center of his soul
leoladyc728 wrote: so happy that he broke down and accepted your offer.
healingtree wrote: we never know :-)
AndiCas wrote: Love that he put the dove away safely to pass on to his wife. Already a chain of kindness forming there!
patjos wrote: Made me smile. Thanks.
SaraDolphin wrote: *laugh* I can very well imagine... people in Germany are a lot like this, especially the generation that was born in the 40ties and 50ties..., loved your kind reaction. :-)

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