Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Planting Confidence Within My Kindergarteners

--by mswalker, posted Mar 15, 2017
I teach kindergarten. I worry that I have not done enough to prepare my students to enter First Grade. However, today, I looked at all they can do, and was grateful. I moved among their tables as they worked and praised their effort, their persistence, and their ability to simply get started.

Each child responded to my praise with a smile, and some even with a spontaneous hug! The atmosphere in our classroom had been one of fatigue and resistance to writing, but after I began praising the students the feeling in the room changed to success and eagerness.What a glorious day! My take away: My students may not have all the skills they need to enter First Grade, but today they knew I appreciated and loved them.
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Readers Comments

patjos wrote: Thank you for allowing them to be themselves and your heartfelt encouragement.
kjoyw wrote: So love discussing this topic. Scarcity is not the opposite of abundance. It is sufficiency.
brindlegirl wrote: Your students have been instilled with all the seeds they need. You planted those seeds honey. You have given them all everything they need. Bless you. And bless all the teachers xox
Mish wrote: Praise creates confidence and beautiful blooms. Well done by you!
Lilijourney wrote: Love working with my kindergarten students. What a rewarding group they are, unfiltered and so appreciative of all I show them :))
John74 wrote: You are doing great things for them! :)
melnotes wrote: You are awesome and what a great teacher to the young children :)
leoladyc728 wrote: you sound like an wonderful teacher. I know even the older kids I work with resist writing
mindyjourney wrote: Seems you have given students the BEST learning, the gifts of loving appreciation and and eagerness to learn. thank you!

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