Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Listening And Being Present For A New Friend

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Mar 21, 2017
Saturday a homeless man came into our shop. Normally we are closed on Saturday but I was there working on some things. He started off talking about how he started a marketing company and wanted to see if he could help us. He then went into detail on his journey of jobs through life. He talked for 20 minutes, telling me many stories of his life adventures.

Though most times I might get impatient when someone talks a lot, this time I practiced just listening and being present for him. Though I wasn't able to use what he was offering, I wished him well and offered him some water for the rest of his journey. He thanked me for listening and for what he called therapy. Even when we cannot always help, we can always listen. It matters!
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Readers Comments

Virginia wrote: In addition to the gift of listening, you may have given him a spurt of confidence to feel okay about approaching others. Best wishes to you and to him in gaining a job. It's hard these days and those of us who are doing okay need more than ever to continue to be thoughtful.
janfour wrote: good for you! i am a person who processes out loud, it helps to verbalize my thoughts. i bet you truly helped.
Mish wrote: Thank you for gifting him your time & full presence, my friend.
Rajni wrote: Listening to someone is very. WE might learn something from it. It also makes speaker happy. We all at KindSpring strive to make others happy and you showed us very simple way. Thanks
pyronik wrote: listening is so important :-) thank you
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for giving man your full attention and extra care :))).
kjoyw wrote: Just listening is such a gift!
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you so much for listening to this man.
lya348 wrote: You may not have known at the time what a difference you probably made in that man's life. Listening to him was probably the greatest gift you could have given. Such wonderful kindness.
splain wrote: You actually acknowledged him.

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