Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Other's Positivity Was a Learning in Letting Go Of Anger

--by lya348, posted Apr 30, 2017
KindSpring helps us in so many ways that we don't even realize until we run into different situations. For two days in a row I had reasons to be very angry and say things I know I would later regret. In the past I would obsess over them and stay in that angry place for days or longer.

Now, thanks to examples from the people on KindSpring and their stories, I was able to look at the situations rationally, figure out solutions, and let the anger go. Instead of creating encounters with these people coming from an angry place and making the problems even worse, the solutions instead will resolve them in a positive, healthy way.

Thank you all for your example and teachings that are showing me healthier ways to handle life's challenges. Not carrying around that anger allows me to be more kind and compassionate to the people involved and that is a big step for me.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: It's HUGE when we can do this, LYA. We are all so transformed by our time here, aren't we! Proud of you & happy to know this. Big hugs ❤️
Lilijourney wrote: Rise to greet the peace of accepting life as it is, not as what we expect it to be. Anger is depression turned outward, peace in breathing through to a place of calm amidst the raging storm within. So grateful for your integrity in seeking to be a light spirit
Lilijourney wrote: Sending you a virtual snuggle 🤗
pyronik wrote: I'm so glad to hear this for you :-)
leoladyc728 wrote: Hugs to you for letting go of that anger and being compassionate. This site has helped me so much too.
mindyjourney wrote: it is such a HUGE learn to learn to let go! Holding onto those toxic feelings just turn us in ourselves :))
kjoyw wrote: What an enormously huge learn. And once learned it is so helpful. Anger is truly a waste of our precious energ and feelings. Happy for you that you could stay on track!

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