Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Magic in a Simple Gesture

--by Subh, posted May 15, 2017
As I share the experience of this random act of kindness, I'm wearing my widest smile.

I usually go to my workplace coffee shop to place an order but this Wednesday, it was slightly different. I called the four member crew, asked them to make a choice of a drink and snack (in their shop) and bought it for them instead. At first, they didn't sense what was happening but when truth dawned, they were surprised and a bit embarrassed. However, I explained that it was an act of appreciation and they were truly deserving. This brought a 'big' smile and a loud, 'thank you' in unison.

I had for a long time nursed a desire to reach out to them but my doubting mind had always had an upper hand. On this day too, I had thoughts like, 'What if they refuse?', 'What if the place is crowded?', 'What if they say, they don't like any of the food or drinks?' ‘What if this’ and, ‘What if that,' but I decided to let go of the chattering mind and listen to my heart. That's how I came out of my comfort zone and experienced the magic of this simple gesture.

Now, it’s their smiles that draws me to the coffee shop, not the ‘latte’ that I order every morning.
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Readers Comments

Garrix130 wrote: Thanks for making the world brighter, from martin garrix 130 si volaaa
David wrote: Lovely gesture
Melnotes wrote: You are awesome!!!! Well done :)
mindyjourney wrote: What a great surprise for the workers at the coffee shop! Yes, to let go of that negative self talk is a HUGE yourself and the kind acts you are free to do without judgement )).
michelelpurce wrote: You did an awesome thing. :) Thanks for making the world brighter. :)
Mish wrote: Congrats on not letting any "what ifs" stop you. Well done! Bless.
pyronik wrote: great :-) thank you, & well fone
pyronik wrote: well done I mean
AndiCas wrote: How wonderful! What amazing things can happen when we step away from our comfort zones.
horse-friend wrote: Beautiful, lovely, I liked to read about your doubts, too. Bless them, bless their work and bless you for your courage to risk giving and caring.

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