Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Small Give, But Great Joy

--by splain, posted Jun 6, 2017
Went to the Botanical Gardens yesterday and was sitting outside in that glorious Fall sunshine. We were having lunch and noticed this very old gentleman sitting on a chair in the full sun. I went over to ask him if he needed anything. "No I am fine just waiting for my daughter to come back from her walk" He was still there thirty minutes later so I just grabbed a small little table put it near him and handed him a glass of water. He must have been hot. He was really thankful.

The friend I was with didn't know how to handle what I did. But that didn't stop me offering two delightful ladies at the next table, some of our lovely cookies that we were not going to eat. They loved it.

My friend still said nothing. But I just smiled and continued our conversation. Some people don't think to do these things until they see others doing them. I hope there will be a ripple.
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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Good for you! You followed your kind heart and perhaps your friend will think about it later. When she is in a similar situation she may follow your lead. Big hugs to you!
eckyssister wrote: Beautiful! Cheers to cultivating connections one purposeful act at a time!
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for following your kind heart and following ❤️. That's exactly how it ripples out, my friend!!! :))))
SissyLee wrote: You set a lovely example of loving-kindness. I bet it will be thought about!
kjoyw wrote: Such a wonderful lesson in kindness for those you helped and for your friends! Well done, Susanna!
Rajni wrote: Your living by kindness example will definitely inspire others to follow suit. I appreciate your kind acts. Thanks
savraj wrote: Beautiful kindness. It's contagious even though you don't realize that you're spreading it!
leoladyc728 wrote: Hopefully your examples of such kindness will rub off on your friend.
healingtree wrote: This is gentle, important kindness at work, and I am so grateful that you were bold enough to step up and go on with these acts of community spirit regardless of what any one else might think. I know my own elderly parents have suffered from being stuck in the sun in one place, and a kindness like you offered would have been gratefully received. Nice one, Susanna!!!
AndiCas wrote: I think we can better lead with actions than words. Well done for being an ambassador for kindness!

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