Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Be A Host Not A Guest

--by kiwicat, posted Jul 15, 2017
I heard the tail end of an inspiring speaker on the radio this morning. She was talking about a year when she visited her brother in Sydney, and they had no family so went to a large church group event for Christmas lunch. They noticed volunteers serving them, ate their lunch and her brother commented "we are on the wrong side of the table" with that, they cleared the plates of those at their table, and went into the kitchen, served up dessert and then stayed and helped with the dishes.

Her comment was that her life changed when she adopted this way of being "Be a Host, not a Guest" when I thought about it, it went a lot deeper than I thought and resonated with me. Its now written on a post it not on the back of the front door. She said it applied to life from everything to to welcoming strangers, to our care of the Earth, and care of each other.
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Readers Comments

healingtree wrote: Striking---I enjoyed this post and am inspired by it. Thank you!
Mish wrote: So love "we are on the wrong side of the table". Spot on!!
splain wrote: Be the doer and the server. I really can resonate with this post
mindyjourney wrote: There is no other side of the table when we are all in a connective circle :))
kjoyw wrote: This is just great!
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for the post

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