Stories of Kindness from Around the World

First, You Must Trust, Then You Can Act

--by kindness1st, posted Oct 28, 2017
I stopped to fill up my tank at the gas station. I saw a man walking around to people at their cars while they filled up their tanks, asking them something to which everyone shook their head no.

I wondered what it was until he approached me at the end with a look on his face like he was assuming my answer would be no. “Sorry to bug you but I have to get to work and I am a few bucks short to make it all the way. Can you spare me some gas?”

Due to skyrocketing housing prices in the area where I  live, many people do live 2-3 hours away from work, so I didn’t doubt him for a second. After I filled my tank, I filled the rest of his. He smiled and thanked me a few times. I handed him a Smile card and asked him to read it later.
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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Beautiful caring/sharing!! Bless.👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️
Lilijourney wrote: Thank you for this start of my workday brightener 😊
DANCE wrote: wow, so generous, thank you!
pyronik wrote: wow, that's some commute, thank you for helping him
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for filling the man's tank with kindness and a Smile :))).
leoladyc728 wrote: so very kind of you

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