Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Can You Share Some Change?

--by kindness1st, posted Nov 7, 2017
Recently I found a bunch of foreign currency in my closet I had accumulated after years and years of travel, from over ten countries.

Most of it was spare change and bills, nothing worth more than about five dollars in a single currency. It would have been impractical to exchange such small amounts from so many different sources, so I decided to bring it with me and find people who were going on trips to the places from which I had currency.

It took several weeks to find people with trips matching the currencies I had, but it was so fun to give it to them and invite them to have a cup of coffee with it at their new destination. I couldn’t find anyone going to Mexico anytime soon, so I decided to leave my leftover pesos at a taco stand where I could hear the workers speaking Mexican Spanish. Perhaps they or someone they know will make use of it.

It made me smile to make money flow, in any currency. :-)
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Readers Comments

connectthu wrote: I've always wondered if there's an app that matches travellers and change! How'd you find out where people were going?
mindyjourney wrote: Makes me smile too, my friend, to think of all the positive flow you put back in circulation :))). Thank you!
leoladyc728 wrote: great way to be kind
Mish wrote: How beautiful! Bless.
autumnsky38 wrote: What a great idea!

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