Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Unexpected Friendships

--by rlcribb, posted Mar 2, 2018
Yesterday I was trying to explain to someone that you cannot allow the evil in this world to overwhelm you when so much good also exists. On the way home I saw an elderly lady who needed a ride and I was inspired to live what I preached and stopped for her.

That's how I met Ms. Diana. For the next 10 minutes I enjoyed the company of this vibrant lady, originally from Chicago who lost her husband in 2002 and decided to travel. She has settled in Atlanta. She was just coming from dialysis.  They have finally put her on the transplant list, and Saturday at 6:00 a.m. she is flying to AZ to see her grandkids. She told me that If I'd like to come visit, she will be back in town soon and she plays the piano on Sundays between 11-12 at Defoor Baptist and is the only little black woman there!

What a treasure! Not for the first time that day did I think, if you dwell in darkness, you can't see the light. Remember to pay it forward. Every action we take has ripple effects.
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Readers Comments

alisamom wrote: Your story reminds me of the link Minnow posted earlier this morning, so inspirational!
mindyjourney wrote: thank you from living from your convictions and opening your heart to kindness and connect :)
terre wrote: Thank you so much for offering assistance to this elderly woman! It seems like you both have gained a lot from your exchange. I hope you are able to stay in touch with her.

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