Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Helping a Fellow Traveler

--by BISSONG, posted

One sunny day, a day I will never forget,  I was leaving the campus gonig back home tired and hungry.  I had no food to eat and had no money.  I saw an old man carrying luggage both on his head and on his back.  I by-passed this man and moved some distance ahead of him.   But I could feel the heart beat of this man moving faster than ever, and something told me to go back and help this man. But I resisted  this voice for several times.

When i finally took the decision to help him despite the tiredness, I turned to him and took the luggage off  his head. This man spoke gently to me and said, "thank you."

We managed to support each other until we got home. When i turned to go, this man said, "son, take this is for you."

When I turned,  behold it was one of the largest pearls this man had harvested from his farm.

What a miracle. This pearl was my food for the day. What a glorious day.

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Readers Comments

Bluxess wrote: I am so glad you heard your heart ... Your help must have meant a lot to this man ... May you have a blessed week ahead, Bluxess.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That was kind of you to help, even though you were tired. Keep up the great work! :)

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