Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Warmed by Coffee Kindness

--by suzanniered, posted Jul 1, 2013
The day was cold and windy, just before Christmas.
The local home-supply and garden store was still open, and the cashier shivered as he rung my sale.

"Bet you wish you had a cup of coffee right about now!" I said.
"I sure do!" he answered, as a gust of cold wind made us both shiver.
I thanked him and started toward my car when I the convenience store across the street caught my eye. I wondered, How much would it take for me to go and get him some coffee?

When I returned with a big steaming cup and some sugar and creamer, he was surprised."Thanks so much!" he said, tearing off the lid," That's awesome! "  I still made it to my next appointment and felt warm all over. And instead of coffee, it was the small act of kindness that energized me.
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Readers Comments

niececatz wrote: That's great! Pretty easy and you really added a bright light on his chilly day! Well done!
petroskryf wrote: What a kind heart you have! I am sure you inspired other people with this. You don't need a lot of money to be kind to someone. Thanks for reminding me.
unknown wrote: what a kind thing to do......and you can bet he told his family or friends about it after work!!! Way to go!!
moral12 wrote: I know that clerk was praising your generosity; a very thoughtful thing for you to do. Awesome!
Bluebellgirl wrote: Coffee kindness happens to be one of my favorites, along with sharing food. Im pretty sure my future recepient would like a starbuckss mocha. Yummy! Nothings better for me then a nice warm mocha in cold weather such as this :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! There are so many kindness opportunities if we just watch. You had a great one there and took advantage of it! Way to go!
AURELIA wrote: You have a very kind heart. I know that clerk will not forget what you did. He will have a chance to pay it forward and will remember what you did will definitely encourage him to be kind to others... the ripples will continue! :) Smiles are Contagious :0) Aurelia
Bluebell wrote: That was really sweet, thank you for your loving kindness. Love and Light and Endless Blessings, Bluebell

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