Stories of Kindness from Around the World

On This Day

--by nepalcancerfound, posted Feb 28, 2015
Hello Friends ! I want you all to do ON THIS DAY:
Mend a quarrel . Search out a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion and replace it with trust.

Write a love letter. Share some treasure. Give a soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyalty in a word or deed. Keep a promise. Find the time. Forgo a grudge.

Forgive an enemy. Listen. Apologize. Try to understand. Flout envy. Examine your demands of others. Think of someone else. Appreciate. Be kind, Be gentle.

Laugh a little more. Deserve someone's confidence. Take up arms against malice. Decree complacency. Express your gratitude. Worship your GOD. Gladden the heart of a child.

Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love. Speak it again. Speak it still again. Speak it still once again.
1842 Reads

Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: Thank you so much for sharing this---wise words indeed. I shall copy this down and read it again.
Many thanks to you. Hugs :-)
wavingatyou wrote: Kind and gentle laughter :)
jomartin87112 wrote: What absolutely excellent advice! thank you!
myfbil wrote: Beautiful! :)
nepalcancerfound wrote: Thanks a lot guys.
Naazie wrote: love it :)
debbe530 wrote: Wonderful advice.
Dobby wrote: I like the examine your demand on others. I've been doing that when it comes to my family taking up the chore slack while I go to school. Not about them doing the chores but by how they do them: that's what I have to let go of and just let them do the chores their own way.
nepalcancerfound wrote: Thank you all guys and Dobby I like your way of doing things. Great job.
Mish wrote: I am expressing GRATITUDE now, to you, for this post!! :))

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