Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Strangers In The Airport

--by Clownshobi, posted May 2, 2015
I was in a large US airport and being taken by one of those passenger/luggage transports to a Waiting Room. On my cart was a very anxious woman about my age from somewhere in Africa who didn't speak English.

She was obviously frightened. She couldn't get her cell phone to work. I loaned her mine to make her call. When we got to the waiting room I went out to get some lunch - a pizza and two plates. I took it back and cut it in half putting half on each plate.

As we ate, she calmed down and we managed to understand each other.. . . and I managed to find out where she was going. So I went out to the airline counter and found her gate and plane number and departure time.

It was amazing with a little kindness how she calmed down and we communicated without a common language. We departed in different directions with a big hug!
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Readers Comments

lindariebel wrote: Thank you for setting a great example. I hope i remember it next time i'm traveling, so i think of others instead of feeling impatient.
Lynn wrote: That communication was entirely by actions, as you didn't speak the same languages. And actions speak far louder than words. She was able to see by what you did that you were trying to help, and doing so. Great work!

Barbara Hudson wrote: When stranger helps stranger that is truly an act of kindness. Thank you for your generosity, you probably made her day and in reading your story you made my day!
Joe wrote: For you, it was nothing. For her, everything! Bless you!
mindyjourney wrote: You were an angel of kindness right when the African woman needed one :). Making the time, sharing pizza, helping her find her way...all such a beautiful ripple...thank you, friend.
Rutha wrote: I wish you would travel with me. I feel anxious every time I'm in an airport and I speak English! So kind of you to help her get to her destination!
SM2000 wrote: Such a beautiful act......
sandyremillar wrote: so nice of you....thank you!
terre wrote: Lovely acts of kindness. Thank you for helping this woman.
pluto178 wrote: Are thats was really sweet x

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