Stories of Kindness from Around the World

3 Bunches of Flowers

--by helenappleyar, posted Jul 5, 2015
I was at the store yesterday and bought some lovely flowers. One bunch for me, one bunch to thank a friend for welcoming me into the community that I have just moved to, and ibe for a stranger. I left the store, bought some beautiful wrapping paper, wrapped two of the bunches and as I strolled through the mall, a lovely old couple were walking the other way hand in hand. I noticed on the lady's badge the words "school cleaner", so I walked to her and presented her with one of the bunches of flowers.

I said, "These are for you, have a wonderful day!", smiled and kept walking. I did glance back for a moment only to see her filled with joy looking at the flowers and smiling with her husband. I felt so happy I almost cried! So wonderful to give daily. Great for you and the recipient. I hope I made her afternoon. Have a beautiful day.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Bouquets of blessings :))). Thank you, kind friend.
Christi wrote: I love this idea!
Patt wrote: Thanks for making her day better!
mcarlson1970 wrote: I love this! Thanks!
balou wrote: A great way to pass kindnes on :-) thank you for this gesture!
helenappleyar wrote: What beautiful comments. Thanks to all and keep the kind acts flowing freely. x
mish wrote: Your share makes me smile....can feel your joy in giving. Bless.
mindyjourney wrote: That is such a beautiful gesture of flower kindness, my friend!! Thank you :))).
kjoyw wrote: Such a beautiful act of giving! kjoyw
KindMyst wrote: You gave those flowers with a big, loving heart. You are a lovely spirit.

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