Stories of Kindness from Around the World

There For A Stranger

--by giusyromano62, posted Jul 7, 2015
An old man was standing unsteady outside of the drugstore I came out of tonight. He seemed uncertain about what to do. He started shuffling away and I called up to him "sir, sir, do you need help?" He said he was looking for a bench to sit down. I told him he was going in the wrong direction and offered him my arm just in time to prevent him for falling down.
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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: That is beautiful. Imagine that stranger was someone close to you and some angel like yourself
Was there to help them! That is how i think that every kind act we do resonates because *everyone* is part of our human family. We might be far away from loved ones, but able to help someone else's loved one, and
So it goes. Some kind stranger near our family helps them if we are not there.
Thanks for being an angel to that man :-) it could have been any of us. Hugs
tejas wrote: Awesome, we need more people to do these things.
melnotes wrote: Wonderful help!
mish wrote: Glad you were there to lend a hand. Bless.
xenahugs wrote: Thank you!
KindMyst wrote: You were his guardian angel. Thank you for reaching out to this gentleman in need.
leoladyc728 wrote: lovely gesture.
bountiful wrote: lovely gesture and support, knowing there are persons like you there to help awesome giusyromano62..saviour ::))
terre wrote: Thank you for coming to his aid.

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