Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The gift of Attention

--by tizabu, posted Oct 1, 2015
Today I listened. I let others talk and tell me their stories without interrupting and without getting bored. It doesn't seem like a big accomplishment, but I'm bipolar, and I have been on a manic swing for a few days, so sitting still and shutting up is a major accomplishment today! I was rewarded with a good story from one person (and a lot of complaining from others!) that I would have never known if I hadn't stayed quiet. Sometimes it is true, the best present to give is the present of your time and attention! **Hugs**
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Readers Comments

Novice50 wrote: Great work, always great to give others attention - we all love it.
pluto178 wrote: You have made me chuckle sitting down and shutting up is a major yet in the silence you heard so much well done and i wonder if it counts as training yourself out of be bipolar is to swing from one pole to the other missing out on the centre every time........this way you must surely be finding some balance and harmony in your life ..........mind you in that silence I would love to have heard what you were Well done change is coming.......x
melnotes wrote: Well done, and thank you for sharing your experience, hope the calmer days continue xx
bountiful wrote: that is lovely and special thoughts you had accomplished today..::))
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for being still and listening <3. You are exerting control and are learning much :))). Well done!
savraj wrote: So great of you to give yourself by listening so intently.
mish wrote: Well done by you. Bless.
terre wrote: The best present is your presence. You've done an excellent job of providing this today. Thank you so much.

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