Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The traffic that made me smile

--by elizabethgarza31, posted Sep 13, 2015
Today, I was late for work. All because I got stuck behind a mini bus on the narrow streets of my neighborhood. As I sat there fuming, I looked up to see a crooked little man, wearing a uniform and carrying a lunch box, coming out of a house. I could tell by the slow way he walked and the crooked bend of his body that he had special needs and that the bus blocking my way was for him. He turned around and waved good bye to his very elderly mother who was watching him from the porch of the house. Then, as he was about to board the bus, he turned, smiled, and waved at me. My anger left and the tears were rolling as I smiled and waved back. That smile made me late for work and I had the best day ever! I smiled at everyone I saw. 
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Readers Comments

Satish Kumar wrote: Wow. Lovely. Thanks a lot for sharing happiness and smile
ann51marie wrote: That's a beautiful reminder that anger is counterproductive. Keep smiling & hold that encounter close to your heart! Thank you for sharing. Blessings
Brindlegirl wrote: Thank you so very much for sharing. Such a heart warming story of compassion and a different perspective. When we take ourselves out of us and into another, love grows. Bless you for seeing it ♥
debussy wrote: I love it when something or someone disarms my anger - what a great feeling when i can feel the tension leaving my body and a smile entering my face!
savraj wrote: Oh that's such a beautiful story. So good that your anger left you and you felt extra good afterwards!
RoseMarie wrote: Beautiful thanks for sharing x 💓
kiwicat wrote: I just felt everything there happened for a reason :-)
mindyjourney wrote: Such an amazing story about the transformative power of being mindfully aware! Blessings, my friend.
splain wrote: Now that must have made your day
melnotes wrote: Smiling at you :)

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