Stories of Kindness from Around the World

I Shone My Light ...

--by brindlegirl, posted Nov 14, 2015
I shone my light of kindness today on all who were open to receiving it.

I visited Olga in her nursing home and whilst there encountered a severely disabled elderly lady, laying in a bed out in the hall on her own. Her slipper had fallen off so I picked it up and placed it back on her foot. Oh what joy this brought her. She squealed with delight and every time I passed her, her slipper would fall off again. Each time I'd repeat the process.

Then there was Richard a man with no legs who also resides there. I stopped to chat with him and stood there as he told me jokes I didn't find funny or understand. But I laughed anyway.

Today in that home I gave all I had to give. I did nothing special, yet gave it all.

We all have so much light, spark, love and energy to give the world. Why hide it? We were born to sparkle ♥

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Readers Comments

Mary wrote: I too have friends i visit in care centers, and like you, i try to spend a bit with others i see who i am sure can use a bright smile and a kind greeting. Being kind is often in simple things, but you never know how much it means to the recipient.
moznmanny wrote: Nicely done
splain wrote: we were born to sparkle. You really sparkle with these people in the Nursing home. You might be the only person who actually talks to them with care.
RoseMarie wrote: You certainly sparkle thank you for your kindness to others who want no more than you care and attention. X 💓
AndiCas wrote: I'm imagining a trail of sparkles following you around that nursing home as you spread goodwill.
mindyjourney wrote: Sparles in each encounter, each step :))). Grateful!
mish wrote: (((((((((💕BRINDLE💕)))))))))
lt33 wrote: You made a difference for 2 people today 👍
pluto178 wrote: You are leaving sparkles behind you like a trail of light these days x
terre wrote: And you have come into your own by sparkling away every day in so many different ways! The nursing home is lucky to have you there; when you go to visit Olga you include so many more people in your visit. All benefit from your sparkling self! Thank you for being you!

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