6: Grow Resilience In Community

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members. -- Coretta Scott King

Grow Resilience In Community: How does community affect resilience? Oak trees may offer an answer. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed almost everything in the streets of New Orleans, but oak trees survived. Thanks to deep and interconnected roots, if one oak is in trouble, another begins to give. The network of their root system creates a resilient ecosystem that engages the deeply rooted individual trees, the interconnected group of trees, and the selfless giving of each tree. These relationships unlock a capacity for greater resilience, especially in difficult times. Today, reflect on the roots of your joy and resilience. Connect with kindred spirits by joining or creating a circle online. Find simple ways to brighten the day or situation of others -- whether with air hugs, encouraging messages, offerings of errands, food, or beyond. One beautiful idea emerging these days is to have online groups with neighbours during lockdown, in case there is a need or offering, such as a concert from the terrace. Today's your day to brainstorm creative ways to foster community and resilience!


Share your reflection on a dedicated feed on KindSpring, and by the end you'll have a collection of beautiful entries in one place! You can also read thoughts from other people and browse through additional resources and inspiration.


KindSpring Challenges: For 21 days, participants do a small act daily, and share stories and photos with the community. One small step at a time, we change ourselves and the world.

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