4: Thank A Public Servant Today

Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude. -- A.A. Milne

Thank A Public Servant Today: The daily whirl of our lives is supported by the steadfast contributions of so many unsung heroes. From the person who delivers your mail, and the one who collects your garbage, to the bus driver who gets you to school or work on time, and the police officers who help keep your neighborhood safe.Today is your chance to celebrate one of them! Make time to express your gratitude verbally. And if you want to step-it-up think of a small gift you can surprise them with and accompany it with a personalized Thank You card. Because everyone appreciates appreciation :)


Share your reflection on a dedicated feed on KindSpring, and by the end you'll have a collection of beautiful entries in one place! You can also read thoughts from other people and browse through additional resources and inspiration.


KindSpring Challenges: For 21 days, participants do a small act daily, and share stories and photos with the community. One small step at a time, we change ourselves and the world.

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