Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Opportunity For Forgiveness

--by Horse-friend, posted Feb 18, 2019

Another one on forgiveness

It is 3am now. I woke up 1:45, could not get back to sleep, constant plane noise kept me awake. Every 3 minutes another plane passed.

I got up, wrote my anger chart. Filled out an online police form about the incident. Read and comment kindspring. Counted gratitudes, noted them.

Researched law on forbidden nightflights, from midnight till 5:30 flights are forbidden. Researched an adress of a cities newspaper. Wrote a letter, longhanded, as they did not offer a contact form.

Had an idea for a child novel, wrote notes for that. Ate an orange. Wrote this post.

I am tired. I am a bit upset. Brother David says 'if you can not be grateful, be grateful for the opportunity.'

What is the opportunity?

Having an idea for a novel.
What else?

The foregiveness challenge lead me to realize i still need to do more forgiving toward my mother, separating me from my father and keeping me separated, me being a baby, child, youth.

How does this nighttime experience help?
My mother was born 1936, in Berlin. Was 3 years old when the war started. Was nine when it ended.

She lived for 5 years with the reality of night bombing. (Just read more about the details in Wikipedia.)

She told me once she stayed over night in bunkers, separed from her family, with other school children. I still can only guess how disturbing this must have been for her. She passed on her disturbance in many ways, yet...i am in the comfortable and save situation to look at her past with compassion and forgive the longlasting results of war.

999 Reads
  • Posted by Horse-friend
  • Feb 18, 2019
  • 6 Smiles, 2 Comments

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