Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Living In The Moment

--by cmg8, posted Oct 19, 2019

Today's prompt, "Being here, now" really struck a cord with me. It reminded me of a
quote I have on my phone:

"Impatience can cause you to rush to the end without completing the middle. You cannot skip steps because you don't like them, they are a part of the path to success. If you keep hurrying to the end, life will keep sending you back to complete what you missed. This is why many of you keep reliving the same experiences. You won't move forward until you master the middle"

This has been a huge theme in my life the past few years, as I've been in somewhat of limbo dealing with various personal/professional things. Until recently, I always was looking at life in the future in an '"when this, then that" mentality. I've been trying to be more content in the present, and really engaging in each day, and I have to say it's been working much better. I'm not sure if we're conditioned to think of life as a destination, but daily I try to remind myself that if i'm so future-oriented, I am going to miss the wonderful moments that happen each day, and will look back and regret not being more present.

Hope this is helpful to someone!

999 Reads
  • Posted by cmg8
  • Oct 19, 2019
  • 3 Smiles, 3 Comments

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