Stories by jcdery (5 matches)

Soccer Team's Gift

Today, my family was given the opportunity to do an act of kindness. My son's soccer team was invited to a home for children with complex physical disabilities to help celebrate the 14th birthday of one of the residents. This boy is from Burundi, Africa where soccer is very popular.

All the children got wheeled out to the back yard and my son's team played an exhibition game for them to watch. The team gave the birthday boy a team jersey and a birthday card signed by all the players. We all got to meet the boy's family and have a tour of the home.

It was a gift for everyone involved - the birthday boy and his family, the soccer team, my son, my husband and I. I left there with such a feeling of warmth and love and pride in our boys.

That feeling stayed with me through the rest of the afternoon and shone through in all of my interactions - with the check out person at the grocery story, the man walking his dog on the street and the old friend I ran into in the supermarket.

I was even inspired to buy and leave a box of raisinets and a smile card on a windshield of a car parked in the supermarket parking lot.

2204 Reads

Lunch Date

A third grade student at my school invited me to sit with him at lunch today. Even though I usually like to take that time to get a break from kids I said yes as an act of kindness. It surprised me as to how sweet it was to be surrounded by kindergarten through 6th grade students at the lunch table. I have come to love those lunch table conversations!

2198 Reads

52 Gifts For 52 Years

Today is my 52nd birthday and it just so happens that there are 52 students in the little school where I teach. So I was inspired to give a gift to each of the students in the school to celebrate that "52" connection. I took a brand new deck of playing cards and with some help from my daughter last night we made a playing card bookmark for every student in the school by adding a bead and a red ribbon to each card. Coincidentally I have 13 students in my class so they will each get one of the hearts. I can't wait to share these as part of my special day :)

1801 Reads

Letting Go

I've been holding on to a few things that I kept simply because I thought were worth too much to just give away. 

Yesterday I decided to finally let go of these items by donating them to the upcoming rummage sale at our church. 

The church will benefit and my soul gets to feel lighter in the process!

1274 Reads

Mother Daughter Kindness

My daughter started a new chapter in her schooling today - a distance learning home-school program. 

She was really stressing about it last night and feeling anxious and overwhelmed. So, I helped her work out a first week schedule for herself and this morning I typed her up a schedule for the today, complete with suggested breaks and kindnesses for herself. 

I also called her halfway through the day, just to check on her. It felt good to help her through this new beginning.

1183 Reads

'jcdery' Also Commented on These Stories

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The Vet From The On-Ramp

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A Name I Won't Forget