Stories by Meghanmoo (2 matches)

Cherishing the Moments

Yesterday I went to visit my parents. My dad is ill and I cherish every moment I get to spend with him.

My mom seemed a bit stressed about an event she was planning coming up on Friday- I offered to do all the grocery shopping and planning for the event for her and she was pleasantly surprised.

My parents have given me so much, it's nice to be able to do something (even if it is small!) for them.

1399 Reads

The Custodian's Card

Yesterday I gave a hand-written thank-you card to our custodian. Just to let him know that the day he had been absent the whole staff was not only worried but also gained a new realization of, and appreciation for, all the behind the scenes work he does. Our workdays wouldn't run so smoothly without him. 

1098 Reads

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