Stories by handful_of_sky (3 matches)

Loving Today's Challenge!

My 13-year old son and I had quite the adventure this morning! We frequently walk by a beautifully landscaped yard with a cute little flower garden. I wanted to acknowledge the time and effort put in by the gardener, but I've never seen him or her, so we went to a local nursery and bought a gift card that I will leave with a note and a smile card the next time that I pass by. We also ran to Target and bought a few $10 gift cards along with some notecards and our other groceries. While we were putting our things away in the car, my son observed that a lady that had just parked next to us looked a little grumpy. As soon as she entered the store, we grabbed a notecard, dashed off a quick note, and added a gift card and a Smile card for her to find ... Read Full Story >>

2862 Reads

Park Place

I'm young(ish) and able-bodied, so I've recently begun giving up those "plum" parking spaces I would occasionally find open at the grocery store or gym or wherever and deliberately driving past them to find a spot further away.

I used to bedelighted whenever I found a great spot, but now I imagine that someone else might need or appreciate it more. It's a small thing, but I like to think i
t might put a smile on someone's face!  (And the extra walking benefits me too!)

2569 Reads

Jumping in Headfirst

I stumbled across this website a few days ago and ordered my smile cards immediately, but I couldn't wait for them to get here, so I printed some out at home and have already used several.

Our church has a snack bar available for the high school kids, so I anonymously left an envelope there with ten smile cards and $20 and instructions to pass out the snacks (and smile cards) to the kids for free until the money ran out.

I walk my dogs along a local bike path a few times a week, but today I made a concerted effort to smile and greet everyone I met along the way.

I bought my son an ice cream cone from McDonald's on the way home from school and paid for the order of the car behind me, leaving a smile card to give to the recipient.

I'm new to all this, but I can't wait to see how much more I can do with a little more time and practice!

1694 Reads

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