Stories by blbtx (2 matches)

A Daily Reminder

I was stopped at a red light when I noticed a homeless guy walking towards me. This man had a sign that read "not much needed just hungry".

I didn't have any cash, all I had was my own lunch I had packed for myself. I rolled my window and said I have a banana, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a bottled water- it's yours if you want it. He smiled and said Thank You.

I was scared at first that maybe he was looking for something different than what I had to offer, but he walked over to his crate, sat down and ate the food. I pass him every day and everyday he smiles and mimes "Thank You".

2164 Reads

Food For Thought

My co-worker who is a single mom of two is one of the hardest workers I know. She never complains and she is always smiling. However, I have noticed lately that she does not eat lunch and she looks like she has lost weight.

I was worried about her so I sat down to talk to her. She opened up on how is is struggling financially and I voiced my concern about her health. She said she doesn't eat a lot because she is low on food and her first priority is to feed her children.

So last night I went and bought her groceries and a gift card for more groceries once she needs more.


1075 Reads

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