Seeing Someone. Paying Attention For A Change.
This was on Thursday. I was driving to visit my brother for his birthday and I had to stop and wait because the utility guys were blocking the road.
As I waited this woman went walking past with a cane and looking sore and tired. So when I got to her I stopped and asked if she wanted a ride. "You don't know me"." Well ", I said. "I have been having to walk with a cane and if I had to go very far, I'd be sore and tired in a hurry. So, hop in and I will take where you need to go."
She did and it was even on my way I was going. I'm glad I had to stop and wait. Gave me a chance to really SEE her. So I thank the. utility guys for the chance to be kind. And I had a great time with my brother when I got there too.
- Posted by janelle.ford170
- Jul 25, 2015
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I Love It When It Works!
A friend had a son who committed suicide and she was returning to work for the first time after.
Apparently I met her in the parking lot and walked her in and talked of other things. Like what had been happening at work. I didn't think much of it. I was just glad she was back.
A month later she stopped me and thanked me for walking her in. Said she was afraid someone would ask her about him and she'd break down and go home.
So I had helped her out. I consider that the greatest compliment . That I got to help and I was just being me. I love it when it works! You never know what good you might do someone. so always be kind.
- Posted by janelle.ford170
- Mar 8, 2015
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The Cart Caper
I went to the grocery store. As I came out, a man by a disabled parking spot was trying to get his cart to stay put. It kept rolling away.
I said, "How about I take this one?"
He said, "Thanks. I can't hardly walk."
I took the cart back to the store. He was finally able to get in his truck and go.
- Posted by janelle.ford170
- Nov 7, 2020
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