Stories by janelle.ford170 (3 matches)

Seeing Someone. Paying Attention For A Change.

This was on Thursday. I was driving to visit my brother for his birthday and I had to stop and wait because the utility guys were blocking the road.

As I waited this woman went walking past with a cane and looking sore and tired. So when I got to her I stopped and asked if she wanted a ride. "You don't know me"." Well ", I said. "I have been having to walk with a cane and if I had to go very far, I'd be sore and tired in a hurry. So, hop in and I will take where you need to go."

She did and it was even on my way I was going. I'm glad I had to stop and wait. Gave me a chance to really SEE her. So I thank the. utility guys for the chance to be kind. And I had a great time with my brother when I got there too.

2452 Reads

I Love It When It Works!

A friend had a son who committed suicide and she was returning to work for the first time after.

Apparently I met her in the parking lot and walked her in and talked of other things. Like what had been happening at work. I didn't think much of it. I was just glad she was back.

A month later she stopped me and thanked me for walking her in. Said she was afraid someone would ask her about him and she'd break down and go home.

So I had helped her out. I consider that the greatest compliment . That I got to help and I was just being me. I love it when it works! You never know what good you might do someone. so always be kind.

1396 Reads

The Cart Caper

I went to the grocery store. As I came out, a man by a disabled parking spot was trying to get his cart to stay put. It kept rolling away.

I said, "How about I take this one?"

He said, "Thanks. I can't hardly walk."
I took the cart back to the store.  He was finally able to get in his truck and go.

846 Reads

'janelle.ford170' Also Commented on These Stories

Serving Those Who Serve

My Best Birthday Ever

Kindness in a uniform

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