Stories by wavingatyou (13 matches)

From The Pittsburgh Post-gazette:Thank ...

From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

Thank you to the kind stranger who found my son’s wallet on the Roberto Clemente Bridge sidewalk on Feb. 18.

In spite of the record-breaking freezing temperatures, this person saw my son’s Warhol ID and walked all the way to the museum to turn the wallet in to security. Pittsburgh is a great city because of you.

Squirrel Hill

3084 Reads

How she celebrated her 35th birthday!

The last thing Kim Powell-Woods wanted for her birthday was a newspaper story. But her day on Wednesday was just too unusual to ignore. Instead of a traditional celebration with gifts and a birthday cake, the Limestone woman wanted smiles. Her plan: For her 35th birthday, she would do 35 acts of random kindness for strangers. "I thought of it a couple weeks ago, and I sat down one afternoon and started making a list of things I could do," she said. She added that her job — as a 911 operator — put her in touch with people who were having very bad days. She wanted a day when she might help people have a good day. "And, as a single mother of two, I know a lot about what it's like to be in all kinds of predicaments. So, I wanted to give people a little boost," she explained. She started at ... Read Full Story >>

2821 Reads

Little Free Library For ...

Little Free Library For Our Town Update

Grandpa spent the weekend measuring twice and cutting once and drilling and hammering covering up all the open sides of our 'doll house'. This coming weekend ought to see the waterproofing and paint happen and the doors added.

Cost still at 7$ - It was 8$ with a dollar off a purchase of 5$ and all the bits of wood and screws,etc,...were already here.

We have about 20 books inside already and they were mostly FREE. Cost there, so far, is about $2.50.

The 'make it official' package I sent away for a few weeks ago is due shortly. They said 4-5 weeks and it's already been half that. Cost 40$

Soooo very soon (fall launch perfect!), for very little money, and not SO much work, Our Town WILL have its very own Little Free Library! :)

2711 Reads

Polish your halo and pass on the kindness

By Julia Pitt Royal Gazette . com Pay it forward: polish your halo and pass on the kindness you’ve been shown Recently, someone helped a friend of mine. I was away and she was in a fix — not an emergency, just one of those situations where you could use an extra set of eyes and an alternate perspective. The helper wasn’t a relation or even a close friend but someone on the periphery who had spotted the distress and simply offered a hand. With nothing to gain for themselves, they took time out of their busy day to meet up, review the facts, offer an opinion and advice and be an additional support. It gave my friend exactly the comfort and confidence needed to make a decision and move forward. When I heard about this random act of generosity and kindness, I was truly touched and deeply grateful for their unexpected effort, especially as ... Read Full Story >>

2623 Reads

Children Leading the Way, With Kindness

From Long island .com Moriches, NY - March 14th, 2016 - The Moriches Elementary School Student Council and members of the student Peer Mediation group have come together to “cultivate kindness” through a school-wide kindness program inspired by the book, “A Little Rees Specht Cultivates Kindness,” the story of a young farmer who discovers that kindness, like a seed, will only grow and spread if one takes the time to cultivate it. As part of this kindness project, teachers throughout the school received hearts to give out to students who are caught performing random acts of kindness toward someone else and placed upon a “Tree of Kindness” located in the school’s main lobby. The students’ goal was to post 100 hearts upon the tree of kindness by the 100th day of school last month. The students surpassed that goal with 111 hearts on the tree. On each heart there is a card that states, “You ... Read Full Story >>

2502 Reads

From The Marlborough Express ...

From The Marlborough Express - A Blenheim woman who was overwhelmed by a stranger's act of kindness says it is the small things that can make a difference in someone's day. Caroline Mardon went to a petrol station at lunchtime on Tuesday but realised she did not have her Eftpos card with her.  She was told she would not be able to leave until the $20 of fuel she had put into her car was paid for.  Mardon had no-one she could call to come pay for the fuel and she did not know how she was going to get home.  "I sat in the car and tried to work out what I was going to do. "Then this lady came over and knocked on the door with a receipt."  Mardon got out of the car and gave the woman a hug, but when she tried to get her name to pay the woman back she ... Read Full Story >>

1590 Reads

From The Maryville Daily .kindness from children

From the Maryville Daily Forum - Two local girls recently decided to forgo receiving presents for their birthday from their friends, and instead gave to those in need. “I don’t want anyone to be hungry,” Mattie Dimmitt said. Mattie is the daughter of Travis and Elizabeth Dimmitt and celebrated her 6th birthday earlier this month. For her birthday, she wanted to do something for other children. “We were talking about Mattie’s birthday cake and she said that she wanted a big birthday cake so no one was hungry at her party,” Elizabeth said. “She didn’t want anyone to be hungry at all and she got big tears in her eye and asked if we could donate food for people.” For her party, Mattie’s friends arrived with gifts, but the packages weren’t filled with toys, instead cans and boxes of food. Once her party was over, Mattie, with some help, took the donations of food ... Read Full Story >>

1490 Reads

Cape-gazette -delaware- Fifth-graders Participated ...

Cape-Gazette -Delaware- Fifth-graders participated in the Kindness Matters Essay Contest during The Great Kindness Challenge. For five days in January, Rehoboth Elementary School students joined students throughout the nation dedicating the week to creating a culture to prevent bullying through kindness and respect. The winning essay by Swain Lee: Kindness: What it should be. Kindness is harder than people think. You can't just do nice things and become a kind person, you must truly work for it. The factors of being kind are so complicated and vast that no word or words can even get close to defining it. But really kindness is just a matter of whether or not you are. If kindness was easy enough that you just have to do kind things, then kindness would not be kindness, it would be doing kind things. I am writing this essay because one, I have to, and two, because many things are not kind, but ... Read Full Story >>

1401 Reads

Our mission is simple: Kindness

From Kansas by Jenée Osterheldt I meet Adam Benton on Monday morning over hot chocolate and chai latte. We don’t talk business. Our mission is simple: kindness. Our tools: uplifting greeting cards and money to buy a cup of coffee — anonymously — for eight unsuspecting customers. Adam is the Kansas City creative mind behind the Acts of Good journal, a diary designed to spread the love among 12 people. The first person does something nice by gifting the diary. The recipient writes about the experience, pays it forward, and passes the journal along. He spreads eight greeting cards, Hello Happiness Cards.  One says, “You are Loved.” Another reads, “I believe in you.” My favorite: “You are magic.” “We’re going to split these cards up and write notes in them,” he tells me. “We should be daily joy-spreaders. That doesn’t mean we have to give monumental gifts or perform monetary acts. We can give ... Read Full Story >>

1374 Reads

WHNT News in Alabama does RAOK

©WHNT News HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - All this month, we’re Paying it Forward by doing random acts of kindness. We helped some people pay their utilities bills. We've bought groceries for folks at the checkout counter. And now, we’re getting on the bus, literally, to surprise some people. Twelve Huntsville shuttle buses run nine different routes Monday through Friday. That’s 10,000 miles a week. For many of the 3,000 people who ride daily, it’s their only means of transportation. “That’s correct,” says Randy Griffith, shuttle fixed route coordinator. “This is a lot of people, this is all they have.” Suset Ramon is one of those riders. This mother and her children use the bus to get around the city. Suset doesn't speak a lot of English, so when I gave her 19 ride tickets as a random act of kindness, her daughter acted as an interpreter. “Oh, thank you, thank you,” she said. Sometimes, you can ... Read Full Story >>

1264 Reads

Bi-weekly Kindness ExchangeWe Have ...

Bi-weekly kindness exchange
We have our city recycling pick up every other week (rubbish weekly) and we keep an extra metal bin (not to be mistaken for plastic city bins) out there just for our empty drink (sparkling water, soda, 'deposit' ) cans. As we don't use many of these ourselves a few of the neighbors have been invited to add their cans to this bin and do so on occasion. The day before trash day a little lady comes with by with her utility cart and takes the cans away and thanks us by moving our city bins to the curb ready for pick up.

341 Reads

Shade And Shelter For Critter

Shade and Shelter
We had a project a while back (who knows how long ago anymore everything's 'last year' since COVID :o/) and made a low table of sorts using up old wooden bed slats. It turned out okay but far too big and clunky so we wanted to find another purpose for it. We decided to put it up on the shelf in the backyard for the critters to use as cover. We have seen many sets of little tracks disappearing underneath it in the snow, a cat (not ours) peering out at us from it once, and some of the birds who usually perch on top of it were spotted ducking beneath during the recent heatwave. It's useful after all :o)
*The american robins that were responsible for my decision to take this shot made it clear they did not want to be photographed so just picture -if you will- one on top and one with with his head poking out the side from underneath :o)

296 Reads

Kindness For The Wee Birds

Did some research seeing mama wren nesting in our yard - they are tiny and stay hidden so at first we mistakenly thought they were finches.

She's being run ragged feeding her little chick-lets and while we have berries and bugs in the yard they have considerable competition from bigger birds (even sparrows are larger than them) and chipmunks and squirrels so I put some extra berries from our icebox nearby for them with a little bit of peanut butter (organic only ingredient peanuts) because mama needs her strength!

Papa's been working hard, too and he may appreciate it. I just need to pay close attention now to make sure my good intentions don't backfire by making them feel insecure that i'm 'intruding' and/or attracting the aforementioned competition! They're keeping cool :o)
*stock photo

188 Reads

'wavingatyou' Also Commented on These Stories

Friday Rocked

Instant Karma & Blessings!

My Best Birthday Ever

Off to See the Wizard...

Kind Gesture

Taking the Time

Kindness Contest Winnter of the Month!

Wings of Joy Shared

Coffee And Smiles

A Purrrrrfect Morning To ...

Gratitude and Kindness Persist

Never too late to say I love you!

On This Day

A Human Connection With A Cashier

Brightening the Day

Park Place


Breakfast On The Go

Our Choice

So Grateful!